This site is still under construction.
Please be patient as I add more content and teaching resources.
Meanwhile, I am accepting new students and leadership groups at the click of the Contact link above!
How can I help?
You have to start somewhere…
This page has been in my mind and on my heart since I found out I was moving to the UK and giving up my job as an English Professor, a job I had held for just under ten years. It is currently just a framework for me to create and post all the things that are on my mind and in my heart - to use my life in the UK to help student writers and to support educators who teach student writing.
Currently, I am working on the following content targets for this website:
Long and short-form video content for YouTube, Facebook and Tiktok
A space for analytical content on issues of the day and other subject matter I’m interested - from a rhetorical perspective
Teaching resources for cover lessons (since I’m a substitute teacher now, I have an interest in providing secondary teachers with rhetorical lessons that can be taught by anybody in the absence of a subject-matter expert)
Student resources to practice writing
Private writing tutorials or coaching services to students either in person or virtually.
A more personal blogging space to write about my personal journey, intellectual curiosities and random shower thoughts
As you can see, there is more to come and I’m working hard to produce and release loads of resources that I hope you will find helpful.
Meanwhile, if you’re looking for someone to help you become a better or more confident writer, use the Contact button above to get in touch. I’m sure I can help.
Caryl B Gibbs, MA (English Composition)
Academic Writing Coach and Private Tutor
Meanwhile, if you would like to contact me, please use the Contact button above to inquire about
Academic writing coaching
Leadership development workshops for new leadership teams - suitable for student teams at Key Stage 4 or above
‘Leadership Development: A Humanities Approach’ by Phi Theta Kappa (ptk.org) course for new or established leadership teams - suitable for either student or professional teams
Private tuition in writing or English
Proofreading or editing services
Please click ‘Services’ above for more detailed information.
If you are a former student, either in the US or the UK, I would love to hear from you!
Caveat: due to safeguarding rules, students from Cheney School are not permitted to contact me online.